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Trauma-Informed Therapy

Trauma-Informed therapy is a form of talk therapy aimed at treating the emotional and mental health consequences of trauma. Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event such as an accident, an attack, a natural disaster, rape or abuse, to name a few… 

We at NeuroClear feel that trauma is subjective and not just defined by a particular traumatic event; we feel it is defined by how an individual processes an event or experience that results in a negative emotional state.


Traumatic events can generate deep questioning that can result in a dramatic shift in beliefs about oneself and one’s relationships with others. They can make life feel unpredictable, unmanageable and unsafe, which makes it difficult to trust ourselves and others.


Working with a Trauma Informed Therapist can help you explore symptoms of trauma, e.g.:


  • Intrusive distressing memories, flashbacks and disturbing dreams.

  • Efforts to avoid external reminders (people, places, conversations, activities, objects, situations) that trigger distressing memories, thoughts, or feelings.

  • Intense emotions (e.g., fear, horror, anger, guilt or shame).

  • Distancing yourself from others.

  • Irritable behaviour and angry outbursts.

  • Reckless or self-destructive behaviour.

  • Hypervigilance.

  • Exaggerated startle response.


A trauma informed therapist can help you identify your trauma symptoms and triggers and work with you to help you understand them, process them and find a path to Post Traumatic Growth. 


Post Traumatic Growth is a theory developed by psychologists Lawrence Calhoun, PhD and Richard Tedeschi, PhD, in the 1990s. It refers to positive psychological change experienced as a result of trauma, adversity or extremely challenging life experiences. 


"People develop new understandings of themselves, the world they live in, how to relate to other people, the kind of future they might have and a better understanding of how to live life," says Tedeschi.


Tedeschi and Calhoun suggest that people who endure psychological difficulties following adversity, can often see positive growth afterwards.

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